
KAYAK Price Alerts make travel searching so much easier. Learn how!

What if you didn’t have to keep repeating the same search day after day to find the best price for your dream flight?

What if you could simply get a notification as soon as the price drops?

What if you could save heaps of money on plane tickets and use the cash for a fancy meal instead?

What if all of these aren’t hypothetical questions, and this tool really exists?

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Save money on your flights with KAYAK Price Alerts

It’s never been easier to save money on your flight bookings.

KAYAK Price Alert has all sorts of options to help you out with your specific needs:

1. Use KAYAK Price Alerts to monitor flight prices for an exact date range

If you have a location and specific date range in mind but want to make sure you get the cheapest rate, KAYAK Price Alert is your friend.

Sign in to your KAYAK account (it’s free – register now), select the departure and destination airports, and the dates you have in mind. You can choose which day of the week you’d prefer to receive your notification – you can also sign up for daily notifications or mobile notifications to make sure you don’t miss a great offer!

KAYAK’s Price Alerts feature tells you when flight and hotel prices will drop

Create Price Alert

2. Use KAYAK Price Alerts to monitor flight prices for a particular destination with an undefined timeframe

Maybe you know exactly where you want to go, but you’re not really concerned about the when, as long as you get a good deal. If a low price is more important to you than the departure date, you can set up a Flexible Flight Price Alert: Simply enter your departure and arrival airports and choose when and how often you’d like to receive price updates. This comes in very handy for long haul flights which can sometimes have huge fluctuations in prices.

KAYAK’s Price Alerts feature tells you when flight and hotel prices will drop

Create Price Alert

3. Create KAYAK Price Alerts to monitor flight prices to the most popular cities

What if you just want to get away? It might not even matter where, we all need a change sometimes. If you’re interested hearing about the cheapest flights to all the top destinations, you can set up a Top 25 Cities KAYAK Price Alert. As always, you can choose which day or days you’d like to receive your email (or mobile notification), and soon you’ll be getting updates straight to your inbox with flight prices to cities like Berlin or New York. If the prices are stable, or when they’ve dropped – you’ll be the first to know, without lifting a finger!

KAYAK’s Price Alerts feature tells you when flight and hotel prices will drop

Create Price Alert

4. Set up a KAYAK Price Alerts to monitor hotel prices

You’re planning a trip and want to splurge on a super hotel? Let the KAYAK Price Alert for hotels inform you when hotel rates in a specific city or hotel drop. Set a max price and receive notifications directly to your inbox on a weekly or daily basis.

KAYAK’s Price Alerts feature tells you when flight and hotel prices will drop

Create your own Price Alerts now! It’s free!

Download the KAYAK app

About the author

KAYAK Since 2004, KAYAK has been revolutionising the travel industry. Metasearch for travel? No one was doing it. Until we did. Today, we process billions of queries across our platforms each year for travel information, helping millions of travellers around the globe make confident decisions. With every query, KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to show travellers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, hire cars and holiday packages.

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